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Lilian Francis

Product Team Lead $ Head of Tech
Lillian has over 12 years of experience building software solutions and managing projects. ...

Ndubuisi Mekwunye

Accounting Manager
A seasoned Finance professional with about 10 years of working experience in various indus ...

Theresa Akpan Iboro

Human Resource Manager
Theresa is an accomplished Human Resource Manager, possessing a Bachelor’s degree in ...

Omokafe Segun J.

Marketing Manager
Omokafe is a data-driven Marketing Manager with almost a decade of experience in digital a ...

Audullahi Kabiru Mosadoluwa

Executive Director
Harmony Audullahi is a vibrant and result-driven personality who works with dynamic stakeh ...

List with Specific Agents

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Hon. (Dr.) Audullahi Saheed Mosadoluwa

Hon. (Dr.) Audullahi Saheed Mosadoluwa,, an aviator cum astute real estate investor, prope ...

Audullahi Kabiru Mosadoluwa

Executive Director
Harmony Audullahi is a vibrant and result-driven personality who works with dynamic stakeh ...

Omokafe Segun J.

Marketing Manager
Omokafe is a data-driven Marketing Manager with almost a decade of experience in digital a ...

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